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Appel à projets

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Call for proposals Translational Medical Research

The Leenaards Foundation supports Translational Medical Research in the Lake Geneva region carried out in collaboration with academic institutions. The aim is to strengthen structural links between clinical and basic research. The Leenaards Foundation is open to projects in the fields of integrative or personalized medicine.

The amount at disposal is 1,4 million Swiss Francs (CHF) to be distributed between 2–3 major and innovative projects with maximum budgets between 500 and 700 KCHF.
Supported research team(s) will be free to plan the use of the funds over the duration of the projects (maximum 3 years).

Applications are currently closed. The next call for submissions with open in January 2026.


The project will investigate a clinical or health problem from an original angle including pathogenesis, diagnosis, prevention or therapy. It must associate clinical and basic research.

The project must include a human research component. The proposal must stand on its own; however, it may be embedded in the context of an existing study.

Preference will be given to projects attesting a new collaboration between researchers from at least two academic institutions or hospitals in the Lake Geneva region (CHUV, UNIL, Unisanté, HUG, UNIGE, EPFL). Two partners of the Lake Geneva region may seek the collaboration of a third partner belonging to another region/country.

If supported by the Leenaards Foundation, you agree to actively participate in promoting the launch and results of your project.

This implies to:

  • write a summary in French of your research project for the general public
  • actively participate in the production of a video on your research project and make yourself available for media, if required
  • include the Leenaards logo and/or mention « project supported by the Leenaards Foundation » on communication and publications related to the research project (press releases, articles, presentations, etc.)
  • participate in the Leenaards awards event.


The primary applicant (principal investigator) will be a clinical scientist (MD, MD-PhD, or PhD), below age of 45, with an established research track, who has demonstrated her or his capacity as an independent investigator to lead original clinical research.

The project’s co-applicants (max. 2), preferably also at a relatively early stage in their careers, will have shown their skills in their respective fields. Their contributions in the project must be clearly specified.

All applicants must hold a «stable position» for the entire duration of the project.

Principal investigators and co-applicants who have been granted the «Leenaards Prize for Translational Medical Research» during the last 3 years (2022-2024) are not eligible, and the project cannot be an extension of a previous Leenaards project.

Online applications

For the first evaluation round, applicants need to submit the following documents (in English and pdf format):

  • a letter of intent (max. 4 pages)
    layout: arial font, size 11, single-spaced, margins 1.5 cm on all sides;
  • a budget (and other sources of funding, if any) ;
  • short curricula vitae (CV) of the principal investigator and co-investigator(s).

Applications are currently closed. The next call for submissions with open in January 2026.

Deadline, selection & timetable

The evaluation of projects will take place in two stages:

  • An initial selection (based on letters of intent) will be made by the Jury by the end of March 2025. Decisions will be communicated to applicants by April 2, 2025;
  • The applicants of the selected projects will be invited to prepare a full proposal by May 28, 2025 for evaluation by the Jury and external experts (specific instructions will be given at this stage). An official support letter by the directions of the involved institutions will be required at this stage. The final decision will be communicated by end of September 2025, and the project could start earliest in January 2026.


The teacher conducts lectures where modern software activation technologies and their impact on the educational process and the work environment, including the role of Kms Pico Activator, are considered.